Wednesday, September 1, 2010


My name is Alejandra Yanez and I am twenty years old and this is hopefully my last year at PCC. I changed my major from biology to psychology. I discovered that I am terrible at math and to be a bilogy major, one has to have a passion, if not patience for the subject. I changed my major to psychology because I love talking to people and hearing about their problems. I am my friends own personal Dr. Phil because I give such great advice ( I like to think that I do). I want to be a psychology for sexually abused children because it is a matter that does not get talked about and especially in Latino culture, most ignore and try to burry the fact that there is a significant amount of children and young adults that have been through sexual abuse. I myself have personal reasosn for why I want to work with sexually abused children. Besides that, I am a former Puente student and I am now the treasurer for the Puente Club. I was running for VP of Campus Activities for student government here at PCC. I enjoy being involved in campus activities and being involved in clubs other than Puente. I am a major Coldplay fan!! I got the chance to meet them last year and it was just simply the best. I am expecting a lot of work from English 1B, but I am prepared for whatever is coming my way (I hope).

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're more than prepared for what's coming in 1B. It's good to hear that you are active on campus. That helps you stay involved in your education. Good luck this semester.
