Sunday, November 14, 2010

Coldplay - Fix You [Lyrics]

Fix You by Coldplay 

Fix You by Coldplay is one of my favorite songs because I love the lyrics and of course my favorite band sings it as well :). It is a great song to make someone feel that it is perfectly acceptable to take risks and even if you don't end up with what you initially sought out for, at least you can say that you took that risk/ leap of faith. The rhythm of the song helps create rime and helps the listener catch the phrases that stand apart. It helps create my own meaning as to what the song is about. The mellow rhythm that the piano creates enhances the richness of the rime that the song plays out. There is repetition that goes along the song and that put together with the rhyme scheme enhances my love for this song. The constant repetition and the soft piano keys being played in the back ignite the meaning and help the song flow along without any confusion. Without the rime, I don't think it would be as affective as it is because its simplicity is what helps create the feel to the song. This song is important to me because whenever I feel depress or feel weak, I like hearing things that reassure me that it is normal to feel what I am feeling and that there is light at every end of a tunnel. Basically just saying that there is hope. Whenever there is a storm, the sun will eventually come out and shine down. Eventually I am going to reach my goals, whether it is five years from now or ten; I just have to take plunges and risks in my pursuit of reaching my goals. It is a song about knowing that there are going to be hardships and moments of agony, but also moments of clarity and reassurance. It is a long road and at times a dark one; there is going to be bumps along the road, but I have to be resilient.

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